After completing this course, students will know how to:
Specify colors and store them in the Swatches panel; apply colors to image selections and as fill layers; apply fill types such as patterns and gradients; use the Preset Manager to save presets; and use overlay layer styles to apply colors and gradients to layer content.
Paint in Quick Mask mode and in an alpha channel to specify a selection; create a layer mask to hide part of a layer; create grayscale masks to partially mask part of an image; and use a clipping mask to conform one layer to the shape of another.
Use the path tools and commands to create and edit vector paths; use paths to create vector masks and clipping paths; and use paths to create vector-based artwork.
Use painting tools, filters, blending modes, and custom brushes to simulate illustrated and painted effects; warp text and layers; group layers and use Smart Objects when creating a composite; edit an image by using the Vanishing Point feature; and apply and mask Smart Filters.
Use the Actions panel to record, play, and edit actions; display actions as buttons and organize actions into action sets; run an action on multiple images by batchprocessing them; and customize keyboard shortcuts and menus.